Carolyn F. Scagel
Title: Research Plant Physiologist
Affiliation: USDA-ARS
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Research Areas of Interest: biochemistry, developmental biology, ecology, horticultural sciences, pathology, plant physiology, root biology
Research Bio:
Conducted horticultural- and forestry-related research in Canada and USA for over 25 years. For the last 21 years lead a research program that addresses how fundamental aspects of root physiology influence horticultural crop production in order to increase crop productivity and quality. The overall goals of her program are to improve knowledge of factors regulating product qualities of nursery and other specialty crops; and develop cultural practices and strategies that enhance crop productivity and quality through more efficient management of resources. The current objectives of her research are to: (1) optimize nutrient management for sustainable nursery and specialty crop production; (2) develop improved cold tolerance of nursery crops through nutrient management;(3) understand how horticultural practices and environment influence root disease; and (4) determine impact of mycorrhizal fungi on specialty crop production.