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The Rhododendron Literature Database was created in Mendeley to facilitate collaborative papers among R-RN members and provide access to journal articles through PDF sharing.
All meeting participants should have received a “Mendeley: Group invitation request” to join the Rhodo-Research.net Private Group. If you did not receive an invitation, please request access here: http://www.rhodo-research.net/database_intro.asp
1. Click “Join this group” from the invitation you received via email. 2. Create an Elsevier account if you do not already have one. 3. Select “Continue to Mendeley.” 4. Under “My Invitations,” accept invitation to Rhodo-Research.net Private Group. 5. Select “Go to group.” 6. You can view Members, Documents, and Settings by clicking on respective heading. 7. Click on “View group documents in library” to go to the web version of Mendeley Library or download Mendeley Desktop, see below, for more functionality.
NOTE: To view PDFs, you can use the Mendeley web version or desktop version. However, to use the Rhododendron Literature Database in collaborative papers, you need to download the desktop version.
1. Under “Private Groups” (L/S menu), click on “Rhodo-Research.net Private Group” to see references in the Rhododendron Literature Database. 2. You can sort references by Authors, Year, Title, Source, Date Added, and File Attachment by clicking on the respective heading. 3. You can search for references in the Search bar. 4. You can filter references by Authors with the filter icon to the right of the Search bar. 5. If a PDF is available for a reference, it will be shown under “File.” If available, simply click on the file icon to view the PDF. 6. You can add references to the database by dropping PDFs into your Mendeley Library under “All References” (L/S menu) and then dragging references to the “Rhodo-Research.net Private Group” (L/S menu). You can also select PDFs from your computer, add references manually, or import libraries (BibTeX, Endnote, RIS) by using “+ Add new” button (L/S menu); attach PDFs, if needed, under “Info” tab for each reference; then drag references to the “Rhodo-Research.net Private Group.” 7. Do not delete any references from the “Rhodo-Research.net Private Group”!
NOTE: To write collaborative papers, do not use Mendeley Cite (add-on for Microsoft Word) from the Mendeley web version. This add-on is in beta and not functioning properly. Instead, use Mendeley Desktop to install the Word plug-in, see below.
1. To use the desktop version, download and install Mendeley Desktop from https://www.mendeley.com/download-desktop-new/. 2. Sign in using your Elsevier account’s email address and password from above. 3. Under “Groups” (L/S menu), click on “Rhodo-Research.net Private Group” to see references in the Rhododendron Literature Database 4. You can sort references by File Attachment, Authors, Title, Year, Publication, and Date Added by clicking on the respective heading. 5. You can search for references in the Search bar. 6. If a PDF is available for a reference, it will be shown under the file icon. If available, simply click on the file icon to view the PDF. 8. You can add references to the database by dropping PDFs directly into the database. You can also select PDFs or other files (BibTeX, Endnote, RIS) from your computer by using the “Add” button or add references manually by using the down arrow next to the “Add” button. 7. Do not delete any references from the “Rhodo-Research.net Private Group”!
1. Mendeley Desktop works with Microsoft Word for writing papers and citing references. 2. Follow the steps above to install and link Mendeley Desktop to the Rhodo-Research.net Private Group. 3. Under the “Tools” menu of Mendeley Desktop, select “Install MS Word Plugin.” 4. Open Microsoft Word and keep Mendeley Desktop open as well. 5. In Microsoft Word, the Mendeley Plugin is installed under the “References” tab. 6. To insert a citation in a document, use the “Insert or Edit Citation” button. - In order to use references from the Rhodo-Research.net Private Group, select this group from the drop-down menu.
- Type in author and year in search bar and select the correct citation
- If you get an error message, hit “Retry,” and it will then insert the citation.
- You can adjust citation style with the “Style” drop-down menu under the “References” tab.
7. To insert the full bibliography at the end of your document, place cursor at the desired location and select “Insert Bibliography” under the “References” tab.
NOTE: You cannot use Mendeley with Google Docs or Apple Pages for inserting in-text citations, but you can create a bibliography by dragging references from the Mendeley Desktop into your document. To capture all references used in a paper, you can create a folder in Mendeley Desktop for all of the citations you are using from Mendeley and then select all and drop into your document for a full bibliography. Select citation style for the bibliography through the “View” menu in the Mendeley Desktop menu bar.
You can export references from the Mendeley Rhodo-Research.net Private Group for use in other reference managers. However, any future updates to references in the Rhodo-Research.net Private Group will not be reflected in exported databases. The instructions below show how references can be exported for use in Zotero and other reference managers.
1. To import references into Zotero, select references from the Mendeley Rhodo-Research.net Private Group.- In the Mendeley web version, select “Export” from the bottom of the page, select BibTeX (*.bib) or RIS (.ris). Other export options are EndNote XML and Microsoft Word (*.xml).
- In Mendeley Desktop, under the “File” menu, select “Export,” select BibTeX or RIS, and name the collection. Other export option is EndNote XML.
2. In Zotero, under “File” menu, select “Import,” select “A file (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.),” then “Continue,” select file, select “Place imported collections and items into new collection” and “Copy files to the Zotero storage folder,” then “Continue.” 3. References are imported with PDFs when exported as BibTeX or RIS from Mendeley. If you want to store the PDFs for references, you may need to pay to upgrade your Zotero account storage.
Members: 1. The Rhodo-Research.net Private Group (Group) is not visible to the public. People must receive an invitation to join, and only members of the Group can add content. The following documentation is provided by Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/private-groups 2. The account owner and admin of this Group retain the right to manage invitations to the Group and to monitor and delete inappropriate group members or content additions. For minor issues, group members will be given a warning, followed by discussion of a remedy, up to and including removal from the Group if problems persist. For serious issues that violate Mendeley’s Terms of Use Policy (https://www.mendeley.com/terms/), members or content may be deleted immediately without explanation or warning. Members deleted for violating Mendeley’s Terms of Use Policy will not be invited back to any Mendeley group managed by the R-RN. Please feel free to contact the account owner or admin with any questions or concerns about group members or group content. 3. If you would like to invite someone to join the Group, please direct them to the following link where they can request an invitation: http://www.rhodo-research.net/database_intro.asp 4. The private Group has a limit of 50 members, but our current subscription allows us to maintain up to 5 private groups. Currently, we only have one Group, but as we add more members, we will add additional groups. All the groups will contain the same references, but if you are interested in forming a subject-specific group, e.g. a group with people who are all interested in medicinal chemistry, please contact the moderator.
Adding references: 1. Please keep the Group Rhododendron-focused. References that cover ecosystems with Rhododendron present are acceptable, but here care should be taken to note the relevance to Rhododendron species in the “Tags” field, so the references are not deleted during regular database clean-ups. 2. Please take the time to search the Group documents before adding items to avoid duplications. Duplications are present in our current database, but we work with volunteers on a regular basis to eliminate duplicates. 3. If you have a large number of references or PDFs that could be added, please feel free to contact Juliana Medeiros, jmedeiros@holdenarb.org, and we can work with volunteers to add those references. 4. Please fill out references as completely as possible, including abstract, a PDF, and a URL to a digital copy.- Please DO NOT add your own keywords, only use keywords included by the author or publisher. You can use the “Tags” field to enter your own keywords if desired.
- Please DO visit the journal webpage for the article to obtain missing information. You may also be able to obtain details by searching Google Scholar.
- Please DO NOT use the link shown in Mendeley Desktop records entitled “View research catalog entry for this paper.” This links to a Mendeley record, and data shown here may be inaccurate.
PDF sharing: 1. This Group allows sharing of PDFs between group members. The R-RN owner maintains a paid Mendeley account with unlimited storage, but the total size of the library for each user is limited by that user’s account. If you have a free account, you can download/store up to 2 Gb of PDFs in your personal library. 2. You can download PDFs stored in the Group either from the web version or the desktop version. If there is a PDF you need that is not available in the Group, please reach out because we may have it in a folder waiting to be uploaded.
For questions or concerns, please contact the account owner or group admin. R-RN Mendeley Account Owner: Juliana Medeiros, jmedeiros@holdenarb.org Group Admin: Juliana Medeiros, jmedeiros@holdenarb.org, and Bob Weissman, weissman@arsoffice.org